Thursday, August 31, 2017

Life is a page turner.

Life is full of good times and bad. Like a good book, the various events are  embedded on  its pages.
  I worry over the stressful  times when the shiny bottom of  my  food dish appears. 
Yet I'm thrilled by the  happy times when  a plate of smoked salmon lays before me,  or when I get to lick the cream that  clings to the rim of Judy's coffee mug. 
Sometimes life gives me  a fresh clean-smelling litter box when only the day before I  struggled the with a rank, crowded bathroom which  provided no place to squat.

 Life is a page turner. 

What pushes  me through those days of stinging,  sinus-clearing odors and  tummy growling  parts of life to reach  the happy, peaceful  side?What makes me willing to face the real fears of life?   What makes my life spectacular? 

Faith is ... 
Believing  the black, bad times pave  the way for warm, bright  places.

                                                       Nature's beauty calms my  soul and quiets my  mind. I never tire of my life on the road.

River walks and hiking trails to stalk. Chasing red fallen leaves and lapping from blue mountain pools. Shivering in the shade of chilly, snow crest mountains and pondering and rolling upon the carpets of lush, sweet-smelling grasses.

I watch squirrels and rabbits scamper past our door and lizards bask on rocks heated by the sun. I contemplate my tail and why it twitches before I ponce on the big bug meandering across my path. And still, I dream of far off places.
Always the world, new and exciting  .... and scary, awaits when I venture out of my cozy, safe den on wheels. 

I wonder about life and what is to come. Will it be tuna or salmon tonight?
I never ponder more than a few hours at a time, because, really, that is all any of us have.

Look out the window, see what I see. 
Do you hear the water making its   musical waltz as it trickles or roars, or rushes on its way? Have you heard the thunder and lightning, exciting and stimulating as war drums?

My evenings are neon-lit sunsets my nights, fluorescent from a full moon or glittering from the limited light of a Russian moon.

   Go ahead look out the window and dream!

Please check out my first book, ACTIVATE LION MODE, book one in The Feline Fury Series. Help me to carry the life saving message of this powerful book. 

Besides, my treats are running low.

Book One of the Feline Fury Series

And don’t forget to go to Judy’s Amazon Author Page to see all of our books.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's always so nice to read your and Sportster's thoughts and adventures.

    Thanks for sharing them.
