Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wasting Away In Wickenburg, Arizona

Wickenburg, Arizona was the perfect place to me to  recuperate from my worries, 

 "Would Judy ever return from the deep canyon walls of the Grand Canyon? Would she be swept away forever, leaving me the task of training someone new to all my needs and desires? I would be meticulous in my interviews. The new position would have many more duties. regular walks, no dogs in the house even to visit. And there would be a no tolerance policy for lack of response to repeated meows."
I digressed. Sorry.

Judy had time to do laundry and she  and Julie ate out a lot. We slept in every day  and Judy met up with Julie when she took Rocky and Kona for their walks. I relaxed while they toured  The Desert Caballeros Western Museum

They ate at the Hog Tough Barbecue  and met up with fellow Escapee members  David and Nancy Barnhart who were wintering  at the North Ranch SKP  Park in Congress, Arizona where we were staying. David and Nancy had raised many dogs for The Canine for Companions For Independence. Where are the cat lovers in this world?
Judy scolded me for being  narrow minded. She enjoyed hearing about their training adventures.  Well, that is what you have to do when you own a dog.

The Horseshoe  Cafe   was another great restaurant in Wickenburg. 

In the evenings we watched the sunsets.

After a great few days we headed for Kingman, Arizona to get more kicks on Route 66.
See you there.


  1. Sportster, Kona and Rocky miss seeing you on your walks and they are very sorry they invaded your house.
    It was not very nice of Judy and Julie to go out so much with out us. We are.glad they returned from the river as we didn't want to retrain a new owner either. Hopefully we can be better friends and support our needs and desires in a united front!

  2. Poor Sporster, left all alone while she's out playing. George and Gracie share your views on this, but you must remember that part of our going out is to buy more cat food and toys for you guys.
